30 March 2010

39 weeks

really? this is new.
i wasn't expecting to raise my glass to this week.
but here it is....
so here's to castor oil...fill your glass...Cheers!

i'm kidding. no oil for me. just trust and courage.
so here's to trust and courage.


Ashley K. said...

I have been waiting to hear the news.... Cheers to you, can't wait to hear all about it... whenever she chooses to come.

the crew said...

my little gibbs did the same sort of thing- I had gone two weeks early with my first two, and then gibbs waited until just four days before his due date- that last week and a half was a bit of a test in patience! But he came beautifully on his own- it all paid off.

we are thinking of you and sending you love every single day!

Ann said...

Hang in there. We're almost there. Maybe we'll see each other in the hospital.